- Bulk Candy/Sweets is a very fast growing market and ideal for use in the Gravity and Scoop bins.
- It offers a higher profit margin than packaged candy.
- Candy/Sweets are very eye-catching and therefore create impulse buying.
- Increase your sales and profits instantly by selling bulk Candy/Sweets in the Gravity and Scoop bins.
- The crystal clear unobstructed view of the Candy/Sweets is visually appealing.
- Using the Gravity and Scoop bins for Candy/Sweets will maximize your space no matter the size and give you an appealing display.
- Every kind of Candy/Sweet from free flowing products to the sticky gummie products can be dispensed utilising the Gravity or Scoop bins always maintaining cleanliness and freshness.
Ideas for sweet displays
- Keep colourful gummie Candy/Sweets together.
- Hard bonbons in various colours can be very effect.
- As candy is very colourful ensure that you have colourful eye-catching labels.
- Keep "special" Candy/Sweets such as the health conscious ones together
Bulk Candy/Sweets is a very fast growing market and ideal for use in the Gravity and Scoop bins.