The company's commitments :
JI is committed to excellence in both its products and services. The company makes sure that its partners follow international
standards and share the values of excellence. In addition, JI invests heavily in selecting the finest and highest quality ingredients regardless of the cost.
S trong know-how, experience and knowledge
Excellent public relations locally, regionally and nationally.
A vibrant loyal team
A competitive logistic and technological infrastructure
To extend the Jrah group's operation internationally
To create a strong international brand name
to increase its market share
to increase its profit and expand accordingly
to become the most competitive exporter in the region
In order to achieve the above objectives the group has overcome the low cost strategy which was not successful for many other bankrupted exporters, thus it has developed:
The company's objectives are :
To become the first agribusiness exporter in Tunisia
Jrah International (JI) was found in 2005 as a new branch of the Jrah group. This firm is designed to target the international market and promote Jrah's products, expertise and know-how
JI is a new firm based on the latest management methods and is focusing initially on agribusiness products. However, the company has an enormous network in different fields where it could
participate as an intermediary.
JI strongly believes in long-term relationships and spends tremendous effort and money in building a strong loyal brand name. JI's products' trade mark is The Finest which is considered to be a
luxury product with an excellent quality.
The company's mission
The company makes sure that its partners follow international standards and share the values of excellence