Red Raspberry Preserves (Seedless)
Starting at: $3.90
Outrageously good! You will not be disappointed when you try our Seedless Red Raspberry Preserves.
Ing: Raspberries, Cane Sugar, Corn Syrup, Water, Citric Acid and Pectin. Nutrition Facts: Serving Size 1 Tbsp, Servings per container 21, Calories 30, Calories from fat 0, Total Fat 0,
Cholesterol 0mg, Sodium 5mg, Total Carbohydrate 7g 2%, Dietary Fiber 0g, Sugars 7g, Protein 0g, Vit. A 0%, Vit. C 0%, Calcium 0%, Iron 0%. % DV based on a 2,000 calorie diet. SHIPPING DISCLAIMER:
Although we take great care in packaging glass bottles/containers we DO NOT guarantee that they will not be broken during shipment. New Hope Mills will not be responsible for replacing
(monetarily or with product) loss of product due to breakage during shipment.
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Red Rasp Prsr Sdls 1-10.5 oz - $3.90