Al Goher Traders is a reputed name in the salt industry, was were established in 1975.
we have all our establisment in the area of warcha Himalayan Salt mines quaidabad (khushab) punjab pakistan.
- We have been involved in the production of crystal salt lamps from 1995.
The greatest advantages of our products are high quality and broad selection of lamp models. We try to be flexible and adjust to our clients' needs; we cooperate with Exportar,
wholesale buyers, retail shops and individual clients.
we are the manufacturer of salt products As follow:
*Natural salt lamps.
*Handi craft salt lamps
*Natural salt candle holders.
*Handi craft salt candle holders.
3) Edible Salt
4) Row matirial(Natural rock salt)
5) Black salt with sulfer smile (powder)(stone)
6) Refine salt
7)Animal liecking salt
Al Goher Traders is a reputed name in the salt industry, was were established in 1975.
we have all our establisment in the are
rock salt
rock salt
to get through more products