Botanical Name: Star Aniseed
Family Name: Illiciaceae
Common Name: Indian anise, Chinese anise, Badian anise
Pin Yin Name: Ba jiao
Health Pattern: Flavour
Plant Parts used: Flower & Seeds
Plant Description: Star anise is the dried, star shaped fruit of Illicium verum. It is an evergreen tree attaining a height of 8-15 meters and a diameter of 25 cm. The leaves are
entire, 10-15 cm long, 2.5 5 cm broad, elliptic, flowers are solitary, white to red in colour. Fruits are star shaped, reddish brown consisting of 6-8 carpels arranged in a whorl. Each carpel is 10
mm long, boat shaped, hard and wrinkled containing a seed. Seeds are brown, compressed,
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