Jose Sanchez Aranda, have an ample product range between which are paprika, paprika dealt with steam (steam treated) or ETO, flakes of paprika, oleoresin, rosemary, thyme and other spices as well as fruits and vegetables. From 1945 there are accumulated a valuable experience, that it guarantees the best quality of our products and that has made us gain the confidence of our clients. Therefore we were totally enabled to offer to our clients at every moment, solutions to its needs that adapt totally to the exigencies of the market. We count on a modern laboratory in which we carried out quality controls of all our products. In these quality controls physico-chemical analyzes like determination of mycotoxins are realized (aflatoxins and ocratoxins), Sudanese and capsaicina. Also microbiological analyzes, Salmonella, E. coli, Bacillus Cereus, Stap are realized. Aureus, moulds and leavenings, PCA etc. Our company counts on own plantations, reason why we are able to guarantee the traceability of our products from the culture.
Paprika sterilized with steam, ETO or not treated.