SpiceGenie Herbal Incense Blend contains natural essences and extracts whichwhen exposed produce an authentic and rich fragrance. They areconsidered a convenient and simple way to lightly refresh your home.Break open the contents of thepack and empty into a small container andlet the natural fragrance envelope the room. This product is notdesigned or intended for human consumption. Spice Genie Herbal IncenseBlend is not suitable for burning or smoking. Do not inhale the smokethat is created if this product is burned. Do not use this product inany incense burning equipment. Infiniti Imports LLC and themanufacturers of this product take no responsibility or liability forincorrect use or misuse of this product.
Spice Genie Herbal Incense Blend ships to the USA and worldwide. Guaranteed Lowest Wholesale & Distributor Pricing.
Spice Genie Herbal Incense Blend ships to the USA and worldwide. Guaranteed Lowest Wholesale & Distributor Pricing. |