As a social obligation towards the society, ACME is involved with the improvement of the urban poor, the Street Vendors . Street vendors have always been an integral part of the Indian urban
culture of public spaces and services. Every social system must cater to the needs of its members to enable them to survive; it must have effective means of allocating and distributing resources.
ACME Cold Chain Solutions Pvt. Ltd. provides revolutionary cold chain and storage solutions important for preservation of fruits, vegetables, vaccines, blood, flowers etc. Till today all cold storages were dependent on DG set power to maintain temperatures during power failure. ACME has pioneered a patented technology that allows cold storages to maintain temperatures without running a DG set in the absence of power for periods ranging from 8 to 16 hours. This not only saves energy but also the environment from noise and smoke generated by the DG sets. ACME's cold chain is set on revolutionizing Fruits and Vegetable storage and preservation in India.
Green Chilly 0.25Kg 9.75 9.75