Madagascar Prime
Madagascar Prime "longs"
Madagascar Prime - Estate Organically Grown - Eco-cert
Madagascar Prime - Estate Organically Grown - Eco-cert "longs"
Madagascar Extract Grade
Papua New Guinea 'tahitensis'
Papua New Guinea 'planifolia'
Veracruz Extended Curing
Veracruz Extended Curing "longs"
Veracruz Traditional Curing
Veracruz Extract Grade Vanilla has an illustrious history throughout the tropical regions of the world and can be traced back to its origins in Central America. Upon a recent trip
to Veracruz, Mexico, I discovered that the Totonac Indians, whose ancestors have been credited by some for having learned to cure and use vanilla, are continuing to harvest both wild and cultivated
vanillas in that region. While some of the curing and growing techniques have changed a little, this cultivation has been continuous through the centuries, providing vanilla flavor for chocolate,
pastries, beverages, and sauces.
Veracruz Extract Grade Vanilla has an illustrious history throughout the tropical regions of the world