By the time gone with the great patronize and support of our clients our growth expanded in manifold and it was really became difficult on the part of MH INTERNATIONAL to give the customers which by this time listed from Government Organizations, Large Scale Individuals Undertaking and not mention the uncounted traders dealing with us. In such case to give personalized and smooth service to all the category of the clients under the umbrella of MH international we have floated a company under the name and style of Chittagong Syndicate whose main object was to market the large volume item's imported by the mother company having a man-to-man relationship with the buyers in order to give them personalized & timely service. To cater the demand of the small end user company launched another sector is retail marketing, under the name MH Marketing, this company operates in such a manner that the smaller outlets are covered, backed by its country wide distribution network.
MH International's main strength remains in, it understand the local customs and traditions, its success can easily be attribute to the care and experience in developing local expertise with a global vision. The main strength of MH INTERNATIONAL is it core team assisted by young committed professionals, drawing on to their individuals contributions due to their in depth knowledge in local as well as international nature of its business activities.
a commodity trading company dealing with dairy ingredients, spices, agricultural commodities and chemicals etc.