Saffron is the slender, dried, reddish-brown, flattened stigma of a small crocus of the iris family. It has a characteristic aromatic odour and a peculiar, exotic, bitter taste. Often called 'The Golden Spice', saffron has a history rooted in antiquity. It has always held a very special place for its extraordinary medicinal and flavouring properties as well as for being a striking yellow dye. Ancient Romans strew saffron on the floors of public meeting places to scent the air. The yield of saffron stigmas is quite small. It takes almost 100,000 hand-picked blooms to obtain just one Kilogram of dried saffron!. No wonder then that saffron holds the distinction of being the world's costliest spice
Saffron is the slender, dried, reddish-brown, flattened stigma of a small crocus of the iris family. It