The apple vinegar is a food flavoring productobtained through apple wine fermentation aided by acetic acid bacterium.Except for the 6% of acetic acid, it also containsproducts accumulated in the apple fruit that are passedover to the vinegar. Its most valuable ingredient is thepotassium, which is an indispensable constructive materialfor the human organism. The apples contain also anumber of trace elements such as phosphorus, sodium,magnesium, calcium etc., which in combination with thepotassium perform the role of a regulator in the organism.Besides, there are other products formed duringthe process of fermentation that appear to be biologicallyvaluable for the organism
100% NATURAL VINEGAR food flavoring product containing 6- 11% of acetic acid.
Place of Origin: | Bulgaria |
Type: | Fruit Vinegars |
Category: | Vinegar |