Please contact us or further inormation,
We can also supply in bulk for local packaging.
We can supply product packaged in 85g spice jars with either our MILLDOWN? brand or under your own label. Jars can have either a grinder top or standard screw top.
We feel we have met the development parameters in that the white crystal is indistinguishable from other salts, a taste panel noticed no difference compared to sea salt, the crystal is hard and crunches, the product only contains Potassium Chloride (66.7%) and sodium chloride (33.3%). When ground down and analysed the crystal is a homogenous mix.
We based our product on natural potassium chloride and sea salt. The key to the taste was finding a sea salt that kept the flavour in the final product. We then developed our process around these two salts to produce a homogenous hard crystal.
5. It must meet all nutritional claims.
4. It should have no flavour enhancers or flowing agents.
3. It should crunch when ground down
2. It should look attractive and like a food product.
1. The product should taste the same as sea salt but offer maximum sodium reduction
Our development parameters were
We spoke with potential consumers and used their feedback in conjunction with our knowledge of the market, to develop our product.
Kencryst is a new start up company that have developed a new reduced sodium salt that can be used in salt grinders.
A new product which is a reduced sodium sea salt in a crystal format. 66.7% less sodium than sea salt, same flavour.
try sea salt to get through more products
Package: | Bulk or in 85g spice jars. |
Brand Name: | MILLDOWN Salt |
Place of Origin: | Argyll United Kingdom |
Packaging: | Bulk |
Color: | White |
Category: | Salt |