SWEET POTATO PASTE has rich taste and flavor of Sweet Potato. So it is most suitable for Sweet Potato Drink. SWEET POTATO PASTE is also available for Toppings and Fillings. So it is good for fillings for bakery and confectionery as well. |
*Package : 1Kg X 10Pack/case The sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) is a cropplant whose large, starchy, sweet-tasting tuberous roots are an important root vegetable. Besides starch, they are rich in dietary fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin B6. Considering fiber content, complex carbohydrates, protein, vitamins A and C, iron, and calcium, the sweet potato ranked highest in nutritional value. (Nutrition Information) 1.Sweet potatoes are an excellent source of Vitamin A, and are a good source of Vitamin C and fiber. 2.1/2 cup of sweet potatoes provides 1 serving from the VEGETABLE GROUP of the Food Guide Pyramid. 3.Diabetics: 1/3 cup of sweet potatoes equals one STARCHY VEGETABLE diabetic exchange. (General Uses and Tips) 1.Sweet potatoes are fully cooked, and may be heated with spices or canned fruits. They can be used in soups or in baked goods such as sweet potato pie or sweet potato bread. 2.Cinnamon, grated lemon or orange rind, raisins, drained canned pineapple, or nuts can be added for more flavor. 3.Mashed sweet potatoes can be used in recipes calling for pumpkin puree. |
SWEET POTATO PASTE has rich taste and flavor of Sweet Potato.
So it is most suitable for Sweet Potato Drink.
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