Direct from the factory mills in Brazil I am offering for this item "ONLY" therefore do not be ignorant or foolish contacting me asking for price for 12, 500 MT, 50, 000 MT and so on. No brokers, I will not revert. If you are 1agent only direct to end buyer ok, but don't bring your friends in trying to be greedy. Offering for SERIOUS buyer 100, 000 MT Spot ofICUMSA 45 Sugar from Brazil, CIF price is $279, payment by FFDLC or SBLC only, as is, no if ands or buts. This is a limited time offer only, so jump on it right away while this price is available.
Direct from the factory mills in Brazil I am offering for this item "ONLY" therefore do not be ignor
Model Number: | BRZ768 |
Category: | Sugar |