Our Company, International Commerce Group ICG is an official and authorized representative for several Sugar Producers from Brasil. Our role is to pre-qualify the Buyer and to coordinate and facilitate the entire transaction based on the Sugar Producers instructions. We are headquartered in the State of Rhode Island, USA and we have an office in Sao Paolo, Brasil. We perfectly understand your concerns about making sure you are dealing with real professionals who are capable of performing. The same could be said about the Sugar Producers. They too have concerns that must be taken into consideration, as many of them have been burned in the past. We would like to start the process with you. However, we must come to an understanding, as it has to do with the procedures. Our pool of Sugar Producers as follow has already established the procedures: Buyer issues a complete Letter Of Intent on their Company LetterheadICG issues QuotationBuyer Reviews and Accepts QuotationBuyer issues a Bank Comfort LetterICG issues a Full Corporate Offer FCOBuyer signs and seals FCO then returns it to ICGICG issues Draft ContractBuyer issues non-operative Letter of CreditSugar Producer provides a 2% Performance BondPOP & POF is done Bank-to-BankFinal Contract is issued by Sugar Producer for signatureDelivery and shipment commence as per contractThese procedures have been drafted to ensure protection for both the Sugar Producer and the Sugar Buyer, to ensure a streamlined process, to ensure transparency in the process and to avoid wasting time, money and resources. They fully meet ICC500 RULES & REGULATIONS and provide both parties BUYERS & SELLERS with the maximum protection for legitimate sugar transactions. Please visit us We thank you for the opportunity to work together and we look forward to hearing back from you.
Our Company, International Commerce Group ICG is an official and authorized representative for sever
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Category: | Sugar |