This is the last update for 25.000mtx 2 ships.If any buyers intrested in this highseas offers, please send necessary documents asap.Price 486$/mt including 1$/mt for your side.Who wants to divert this ship to india or pakistan, please move fast.Hope to hear from you soon.Kindest regards,Procedure for one/two vessels sugar icumsa 45,25.000mt each:1. Buyer issues bcl (format attached) or swift (ready willing able to buy 25.000/50.000 sugar on spot basis.2. After bcl/swift, buyer will receive copies of shipping papers and contract will be exchanged3. Seller authorizes buyer to proceed with an inspection of sgs on board theVessel/s in order to certify and verify the existance of the product. And to view all original documents.Vessels are currently in persian golf approximately 24 hours from dubai. Buyer and the sgs team will be picked up by speed boat service, brought onboard the vessel and taken back after inspection.4. After inspection buyers bank sends to sellers bankConfirmation of funds availability and payment guarantee (mt103 or mt799) conditioned to the assignment of all original shipping documents5. After all the above has been fulfilled. Seller/sellers bank instructs the vesselsMaster to proceed to discharge port.6. As soon as the vessel arrives at the port of discharge the full payment isTo be effected immediately.
This is the last update for 25.000mtx 2 ships.
If any buyers intrested in this highseas offers, p