Commodity shall be free from mould, unnatural odors, chemicals, and insects. Labeling in English language showing net weight, Country of origin, and that bag containing White Cane Sugar.
_ Max. Cu: 3p.p.m
_ Max. OS: 2p.p.m.
_ Max. As: 1p.p.m
_ Crop: 2008/2009/2010/
_ Smell: Free of any odor
_ Solubility: 100% dry and free flowing
_ Table Grade: Standard
_ SO: MG/K - 20
_ Magnetic Particles: MG/K 4
_ Radiation: 100% normal w/o presence of cesium or iodine, certified
_ Granulation: Medium to Fine Grain ICUMSA: 45 RBU attenuation index units (ICUMSA method #: 4-1978)
_ Color: Crystal White
_ Moisture: 0.04%MAX.
_ Ash Content: 0.04%MAX.
_ Polarization: 99.8%MIN. minimum at 25 Degrees Celsius.
White Refined Cane Sugar:
high quality,Brazil Origin
Model Number: | 1 |
Brand Name: | hu |
Place of Origin: | Brazil |
Packaging: | Bag |
Color: | White |
Type: | Cane Sugar |
Category: | Sugar |