Coffee is the world's most popular beverage with over 400 billion cups being consumed annually. Yes, you can still get a plain cup of coffee at any coffee store. Or you can get fancy roasts,
flavored coffees, and custom blends from all over the world. From a nutritional point of view, whether you're talking about Arabian Mocha Java or Maxwell House, this is still just coffee, with
negligible calories and carbohydrate. SGM CC addresses these changing tastes customers are experiencing through their products.
SGM CC can offer the customer a variety of solutions for their coffee needs to include equipment, maintenance, and varieties of coffee. For instance SGM CC has a liquid concentrate as well as a
freeze dried coffee. It can offer machines that serve cappuccino, hot chocolate and many other popular coffee drinks to customers. It also has the capability of providing smoothie and cold coffees
for the hot summer months for customers.
SGM CC has designed coffee flavorings that are highly concentrated and take up little space. They are natural and have no added sugar or calories. They can be mechanically dispenses or used with
electronic dispensers that mean cash savings in cpost of product and more profits for your operations .
Coffee is the world's most popular beverage with over 400 billion cups being consumed annually. Yes
Model Number: | SGMCC_cf |
Flavor: | Chocolate |
Coffee Type: | Blended |
Type: | Iced Coffee |