Price: Php6,999.00 =12 boxes = 240 sachets
- Helps fight andprevent Cancer.
- Nourishes BreastFed babies, Lactagogue (Increases the flow of breast milk for woman)
- Liver disorderremedy
- Good for Urinarytract infection (UTI)
- Diuretic (causingincreased flow of urine)
- Tonic (to feelstronger, more energetic, and generally healthier)
- Aphrodisiac(something that arouses or intensifies sexual desire).
- Remedy for colds,fever, nausea, runny nose.
- Bactericide(destroys bacteria)
- Convalescence(gradual return to good health after an illness or medical treatment or theperiod spent recovering).
- Remedy for Fever,Nausea, Stomach distress.
- Removes toxinsfrom the body, helps prevents ulcer.
- Good expectorantfor getting rid of phlegm
- Good for the Skinand Eyes, for varicose veins.
- Good substitutefor persons not eating vegetables or fruits.
- Good recovery forpatients suffering from strokes.
- Good for diabeticpatients
- Rectal bleeding
- Good for treatingheavy menstrual periods, Menstrual cramps
- Rebuild weak bones
- Regulates,normalizes and balances the different body systems
- Provides energyboost and stamina to fight daily stress
- Maintains andenhances your health, wellness and well-being
- Enhances immunityagainst diseases
- Remedy for asthma,arthritis, insomnia, cardiovascular problems, nervousness, cardiovascularproblems, skin problems, depression
- Maintains normalblood pressure.
- Cleanse urinary,circulatory, and digestive system
- Regulates bowelmovement, good for digestion, cleanses digestive system.
- Anti-Aging
- Anti-anemia
- Anti-stress
5. Ipomoea batatas(Talbos ng Kamote) is a warm season crop extensively cultivated in thePhilippines. It can easily be planted any time of the year and propagated fromstem cuttings. Its roots are high in calories and vitamin A and the leafy topsare eaten as vegetables. The tops, especially purplish ones are used fordiabetes and the crushed leaves are applied to boils and acne.
4. Amaranthusspinosus (Uray) is found throughout the Philippines at lowlands and lowaltitudes. It is a good expectorant and an effective astringent especially instopping liquid bowels. Locally, it has been reported that a decoction of theroot relieve ones breathing from acute bronchitis.
3. CorchorusOlitorius (Saluyot) is ever-present in clearings, farms and waste places in thePhilippines. Reported to be demulcent, deobstruent, diuretic, lactagogue,purgative and tonic, it may also be a remedy for aches and pains, dysentery,enteritis, fever and pectoral pains.
2. Capsicumfrutescens (Dahon ng Sili) is found throughout the Philippines plated here andthere about dwellings but also thoroughly established in open, waste places insettles areas. Its fruit is a popular condiment. The leaves are used asvegetable; an excellent source of calcium and iron, a good source of phosphorusand vitamins A and B. It is an important gastrointestinal deoxidant and alsoserves as a stimulant, digestive, rubefacient, stomachic, sialagogue,alterative, antispasmodic, febrifugue and depurative.
1. Moringa Oleifera(Malunggay) is planted throughout the Philippines in settled areas at low andmedium altitudes. Scientific research has proven that these humble leaves arein fact a powerhouse of nutritional value. It can rebuild weak bones, enrich anemicblood and nourish breastfed babies. Ounce per ounce, it has the calcium of fourglasses of milk, the vitamin C of seven oranges and the potassium of threebananas.
First Vita PlusNatural Health Drink combines, for the very FIRST time, selected premium leavesof 5 Philippine power herbs: moringa, corchorus, capsicum, amaranthus andipomoea batatas.
Do you wonder whyFIRST VITA PLUS is called the Miracle Juice? Read on.
First Vita PlusNatural Health Drink: The Miracle Juice
FIRST VITA PLUS meets the daily need of vitamins, minerals, micronutrients, anti-oxidants, and immunity enhancing phytochemicals
Other Flavor: | Melon |
Brand Name: | First Vita Plus Natural Health Drink |
Place of Origin: | Philippines |
Packaging: | Sachet |
Flavor: | Fruity |
Category: | Other |