Our HD57 juice is made with wild harvested organic Hoodia Gordonii, with Mangosteen Juice, Guarana & Green Tea extracts.
Hoodia gordonii, a plant that, while it looks like a cactus, is actually a "succulent" that grows in the high deserts of the Kalahari Desert region of South Africa. The San people of the Kalahari -- a tribe of hunter-gatherers with a 27,000-year-old culture and history in using native plants for medicinal purposes -- have been using the hoodia plant for centuries to help ward off pain, hunger and thirst when the Bushmen made long trips in the desert.
Hoodia, a natural appetite suppressant, is earning attention as a potentially powerful weapon in the war against obesity and the American focus on losing weight. Hoodia supplements were introduced to the U.S. market only in early 2004.
Hoodia, a natural appetite suppressant, is earning attention as a potentially