ClingPeach Concentrate -32%NFSS Fine Finish Peach ConcentratePeachconcentrate is a clean, sound, wholesome product which is manufactured fromfresh, mature cling peachest. The fruit is properly washed, sorted ifextraneous material, chopped, screened and evaporated to obtain 32%Natural Fruit Soluable Solids (NFSS) product.Peach concentrate produced isprocessed and packaged in accordance with current Good ManufacturingPractises. The finished product shall conform in all respects to thecurrent USDA standards for fruit concentrate, to the provisions of theFederal Food. Drug, and Cosmetic Act, and to all applicable state and locallaws.PhysicalAnalysis:ColorBright, lightyellow to orange yellow typical of fresh peaches. USDA Grade AColor Score Points: 45-50ConsistencyProduct consistencyshall be determined by a bostwick measurement of 12% )+0.1%) NFSS @ 20degrees C (+/- 0.1 degree C) for 30 seconds. The bostwick shall bein the range of 8.0 to 17.0 cm dependent upon seasonality.Finishand DefectsProductsjhall be typical of fine finish peach concentrate. The concentrateshall be smooth, nearly free from defects which do not seriously affectthe overall appearance of the product and shall meet or exceed the USDAdefect standard for grade A. Defect Score Points: 45-50FlavorFresh,wholesome, distinct flavor characteristic of good quality peaches. Product shall be free from green, bitter, scorchede, burned, caramelized,or other undesirable flavor.ProcessProduct isaseptically processed under hot "break" conditions.ChemicalAnalysis:AdditivesNonepHProduct shallnot exceed a pH of 4.60MicrobiologicalAnalysis:Packagingand Weight:Peachconcentrate is packaged under aseptic conditions and is a commerciallysterile product.55 Gallon Aseptic Metal Drum -Net weight: 540 lbs. (Average)55 Gallon Aseptic Bag in Fiber Drum - Net weight: 540 lbs. (Average)300 Galon Aseptic Bag in Bin - Net weight: 2808 lbs. (Average)(Wood bin contains a fiber board bottom and a polylaminate liner.)NOTE: Net Weight information based on product at 31% NFSS.All containers shall be labeledwith the date of manufacture, the product name, the product code, theboswick, the container number, and the container's gross tare, and netweight.
ClingPeach Concentrate -32%NFSS Fine Finish Peach ConcentratePeachconcentrate is a clean, sound, wholesome product which is
Processing Type: | Flavored |
Type: | Concentrate |
Category: | Juice, Fruit Juice |