Fayoum ITP group
The very bestregards.
Thank you for yourvaluable time.
Looking forward tomake good business relation and for yourrecent replay and comments.
Soif you are really interested to know any further information please donthesitate to send mail to the
Sowe have one of our clients (Dyatika Health International) is produce Diabeticfood like jam, juiceetc.
Firstallow me to introduce our selves, we are the Egyptian internationaltrade point in Elfayoum it's a city in Egypt whichour branch is located and we are a sector from the ministryof foreign trade. And our work is to help the exportersand the importers in Egyptto reach to the world with their products and it's allfor free.
Goodday ladies & gentlemen,
Diabetic Food (Jam, Juice (.