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Where will be Blueberry Extract use to?
Common cold/sore throat
Urinary tract infection
Product Specification 15%,25%,juice 65brix
Latin Name Vaccinium
corymbosum L
Product Type: Deep violet powdered extract
Part of the Plant Used Fruit
Extract Method: Grain Alcohol
What is Blueberry Extract Juice ?
Blueberry is famous as a tasty snack and ingredient in many desserts, but it is also an effective nutritional and medicinal supplement. Recent reports indicate that a compound, used by Blueberries
and to fight off fungal infections, could also help lower cholesterol. The compound, called pterostilbene, also helps regulate blood sugar and might help fight type-2 diabetes. This finding adds to
a growing list of reasons to eat, or supplement with, the colorful fruit, especially Blueberries, which are rich in compounds known as antioxidants (these molecules battle cell and DNA damage
involved in cancer, heart disease, diabetes and perhaps also brain degeneration).
Blueberry is famous as a tasty snack and ingredient in many desserts, but it is also an effective nutritional and medicinal supp
Category: | Juice, Fruit Juice |