Request to be Trausporled during 0 degree centigrade and 10 degree centigrade
9 Request Special Transport
Salted and stored from 0 to 10 egree centigrade.Order sales(At the request of the customers).
8 Method of Storage and Distribution
Enclosed distinet card with marking the produet name\caliber length and quantity on the top surfact of inside drum;Stamped the produet namecalibernumbermark and Keeping away from heaton the outside drum
7 Label Explain
Two years
6 Keep quality
Packaged plastic bag and plastic drum
5 Pack Type
Reprocessing clyster
4 Method of eat
Further Process;General public
3 Intended Use And Consumer
Casing Processing Salt
2 Mostly mate
Salted Casings
1 Product Name
Type of Products:Natual Casings Finished Goods which was Divided by CaliberLength and Cured by Special Salt
Product Description Of Salted Casings
Casing Processing Salt Further Process
Category: | Red Meat |