For more information about the breeds we raise look at our Breeds pages.
We have our own personal quality assurance program so that our customers recieve high quality, tender, and tasty grass-fed beef. Not only is our beef always dry aged, we also personally try a steak from every animal before we sell any meat to test the tenderness and taste. If the steaks dont meet our own expectations we dont sell them.
Our beef is all 100% grass-fed with no hormone implants or antibiotics. Our beef comes from several breeds which we believe produce a superior product. These are Red Poll, Murray Grey, Irish Dexter, Old-line Hereford, and Low-line Angus cattle. Every animal, whether it is born on our farm or brought in later, is fed grass and forages only on pastures free of chemicals for their entire lives.
Our beef is all 100% grass-fed with no hormone implants or antibiotics.