This is the top of the line for meat chickens. Our birds usually weigh 5 or more pounds and yield a very large quantity of tasty tender meat. One bird can easily feed seven or more people. These birds are raised in a unique and healthy way that produces the best and most healthful chicken you can buy. Birds are started in our brooder house on clean fresh shavings from days 1 to 14 of age. During this time the chicks are fed fresh grass daily to teach them to enjoy forages. At day 15 they are moved to small buildings we call yerts. These open bottom buildings sit on fresh grass and allow the birds to harvest the forages underneath. Each yert is moved to fresh grass daily for days 16 to 28. Next, the front of the yert is folded open and the birds are allowed to free range on the pasture surrounding the yert. From this point until the birds are 8 weeks of age, the yerts are moved twice per day so the birds take advantage of as much clean forage as possible. Each patch of forage only has broilers on it once per year allowing the land to grown an abundant crop of insects and forage between birds. Sheep and cattle are used to graze the grasses before the birds, keeping them the proper height for the birds to enjoy. These broilers are harvested on the farm at 8 weeks of age. Our chickens are very popular. Raised only when the weather is most agreeable, in the spring and fall, it is best to preorder your birds to make sure of not missing out. Preorder forms are available in January - April and September - October. Those picking their birds up from the farm on harvest day, can receive an enjoyable farm tour. Bring your friends!
Style: | Fresh |
Type: | Chicken |
Category: | Poultry |