Prices and Products
Ready to Lay Pullets - $9.00 per bird
Broiler Chickens - $3.00lb - Whole or half
All Natural Large Brown Eggs - $3.00/dozen
Fall Turkeys -$2.75lb - Whole
Our Turkeys are available every October and November . The Turkeys spend there first 12 weeks in portable pens which are rotated twice daily to clean pasture. After they turn 12 weeks they are moved into a free ranging system where they have access to and abundance or trees, brush and long grass to catch bugs in. We currently raise Broad Breasted Whites which are an excellent compact meat bird. They will weigh between 15-30lbs when they are dressed at 18 weeks old. These birds are known for their plump carcass and how well they looked dressed. They have very fine color and do not have dark pin feathers when prepared. We have found that raising the turkeys in this way allows our consumers to enjoy a profound eating experience without jeopardizing the turkey's way of life.
We offer a variety of different chickens ranging from broilers, domestic egg layers and rare egg layers. Are broiler chickens are raised in portable chicken coops which are rotated over fresh pasture twice daily. Through this intensive rotational grazing system we are able to provide an abundance of fresh grass, herbs, legumes and bugs for our chickens . In addition to the broiler chickens we raise a variety of egg laying chickens including Dark Cornish, Rhode Island Reds, Plymouth Barred Rock, New Hampshire and many other varieties. We also custom raise ready to lay pullets at various times throughout the year. All poultry is Processed under Article 5A of the NY State Department of Agriculture and Markets.
We offer a variety of different chickens ranging from broilers, domestic egg layers and rare egg layers.
Part: | Breast |
Style: | Fresh |
Type: | Chicken |
Category: | Poultry |