The National Junior Santa Gertrudis Association is not only a group of individuals that exhibit Santa Gertrudis cattle, they are a group of young people that will be our future leaders in the beef industry and in the world. These individuals who participate in such a program are responsible young adults who know the meanings of competition, hard work, sportsmanship, and especially friendship and family. This association is not just a junior program, it is a family oriented association that helps to polish the skills, values, and responsibilities that the family has already instilled into these young people. It is an association that promotes leadership and comradery through active participation in the programs it provides. The experiences gained by individuals in this junior program are invaluable. These junior members will take these experiences with them throughout their life and use them in the day to day challenges that are presented to them. The National Junior Santa Gertrudis Association educates and motivates it's junior members to become the leaders of tomorrow.
NJSGA is one of the top junior programs in the beef industry today. They have active participation from all juniors not in just exhibiting livestock but in leadership contest such as public speaking, brain bowl, and livestock judging. The junior program promotes continued education and learning of the breed and the beef industry through junior shows, field days, and leadership programs held throughout the year.
NJSGA works to improve the quality of the Santa Gertrudis breed by developing the cooperation, responsibility, and leadership of Americas youth. The association encourages educational opportunities for NJSGA members. NJSGA also provides increased opportunities for fellowship with others involved in the Santa Gertrudis breed and in the cattle industry in order to unite area and state associations within the NJSGA.
The purpose and objectives of the National Junior Santa Gertrudis Association are to be a non-profit and educational organization. They encourage greater interest in breeding, feeding, exhibiting, and marketing of Santa Gertrudis cattle.
Purpose & Objectives of NJSGA
By being a junior member, an individual is entitled to all services of SGBI which include: registration, record keeping, transfers, classification, grading-up program, Total Performance Program, promotion, and stock show and field day representation.
There are five At-Large positions that are elected from the general membership. The remaining ten positions come from the districts. These districts are divided up based on the membership in that area. The board is governed by the constitution and by-laws of the NJSGA.
There are currently five hundred forty active junior members from 30 states and Canada. There are 24 state and regional junior Santa Gertrudis organizations. These organizations hold annual field days and shows throughout the year. The NJSGA conducts and establishes its own programs and policies through a 15 member National Junior Board of Directors.
The National Junior Santa Gertrudis Association is the junior affiliate of Santa Gertrudis Breeders International. The NJSGA was founded in 1979. Junior membership is open to all young people under the age of 21 years. Members are issued a herd number, membership card, and one free subscription to the official publication of SGBI. After reaching the age of 21, the junior member has the option to join SGBI as an active member.
Santa Gertrudis have proved to be one of the world's leading and most efficient producers of quality beef.