Sawai Wanthongkum
ObOb Frog Farm, Thailand
Best Regard,
I'm very sory for my English Language, if some word mistake or ambiguous, please ask me for more detail.
I am a farmer named Sawai Wanthongkum, I have frogs farm named 'ObOb Farm' in Thailand.
My frogs size about 4 - 5 bodies per 1 kg are sold each month, average about 1,000 kgs per month but currently selling only within Thailand.
If you're interested in frogs from our farm. You can contact via e-mail the quote to purchase.
You can bid to buy you're happy, but I will review again before decision to find a way to export to your company in the future.
Offers to Sell frog, thai frog, frog meat for Exporters and Importers
Category:Red Meat I am a farmer named Sawai Wanthongkum, I have frogs farm named 'ObOb Farm' in Thailand. My frogs size about 4 - 5 bodies per 1 ...
Come From ObOb Farm