The Best Meat in the World Do business directly with the source - The Slaughterhouse I represent an Argentinian slaughterhouse that can supply you with the following products. Terms are only FOB ,CAD , L/C If you would please select your choice of products - quantities, frequency , port of entry and any other pertinent information , then I can send you a quote. Thank you , George Rodart We have: 1. Exporters of Prime Beef Cuts Vacuum pack of frozen prime cuts of beef for Supermarkets' Trade. 2. Manufacturing Beef Frozen block pack compensated fores and hinds cow beef, flanks, trimmings for manufacturing trade. 3. Lambs (Ritually slaughtered) Full carcass frozen and chilled primal cuts lamb. 4. Mutton Ritually slaughtered mutton carcass, split sides (EU) or boneless cuts
The Best Meat in the World
Do business directly with the source - The Slaughterhouse
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