Porterhouse...The "Grand Father" of all the steak cuts. A real man's man steak! Cut from the largest portion of the short loin containing the strip and the tenderloin filet separated by
the flavor enhancing "T" bone. This cut needs no extras. Just a dash of salt & pepper will do. Dare I say it, you might even opt out of the steak sauce on this beauty! Wimpy
eaters need not apply. This one's for the heartiest of appetites.
T Bone...Same great flavor of the Porterhouse, just on a smaller scale. This is the second cut from the short loin. Smaller portions of tenderloin, but full flavored. As with all
of our steaks, marbled throughout. Also an excellent choice for you grill diehards.
Club Steak...This cut offers the same great taste of the popular strip steak, but with the added flavor enhancing bone. Also known as a Bone In Strip Steak.
Strip Steak...Robust flavor and rich marbling give this cut a unique flavor. Cut from the center of the loin with a fine texture. Also known as New York Strip or Kansas City Strip . One
of our most popular cuts.
Porterhouse...The "Grand Father" of all the steak cuts. A real man's man steak