Save when ordering additional items in the same order -- Shipping fees are calculated on the weight of the products you order plus the weight of the required packaging, ice packs, dry-ice, etc.. Since the packaging weight is only applied once to each order, you save this fee on additional items in the same order to the same address.
Excellent when prepared in a slow cooker or slow cooked in the oven. Expect some fat in this cut -- also expect lots of taste and flavor. See the "" page for our slow-cooking recipe.
Approximate weight of package: 2 lbs.
Approximate total shipping weight: 10 lbs. Container, insulation, icepacks, dry ice, etc.
Quantity in Basket: none
Code: R7
Price: $18.95
Shipping Weight: 2.00 pounds
Quantity in Basket: none
Code: R7
Price: $18.95
Shipping Weight: 2.00 pounds
Part: | Fat |
Style: | Cooked |
Type: | Beef |
Category: | Red Meat |