live sheep NABSSAR Reg. #10469 Maggie

Miniature sheep are primarily kept as pets and for their wool, if for no other reason. They are small enough for most anyone to handle. Given a lot of attention, they will follow you around the pen (like puppy dogs!) and want to be scratched and petted. Although sheep tend to be skittish by nature, the more time and attention you give to them the more docile and friendly they become. You may hear people say sheep are dumb, but I invite you to come and see our sheep - they are far from dumb !!

Miniature sheep are primarily kept as pets and for their wool, if for no other reason

  • Type:Dog
  • Style:Alive
  • Category:Livestock
  • Country:United States
  • telephone:1-951-763-5444
Type: Dog
Style: Alive
Category: Livestock
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live sheep NABSSAR Reg. #10469 Sara

Type:Dog Style:Alive Category:Livestock Miniature sheep are primarily kept as pets and for their wool, if for no other reason ...

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