Its easy to taste the difference between conventionally grown chicken and pastured chicken. Unfortunately, this difference in taste reflects the abuses and cruelties endured by
the conventionally raised chicken. From the cramped cages coated with heavy layers of fecal dust, to the de-beaking process which prevents cannibalism of seriously unhappy birds, factory farmed
chickens undergo some of the most inhumane treatment of any livestock. The health issues that spin off of these mistreatments are numerous. The diet of conventional broilers contains no grass or
greens, and thus the chickens are vitamin deficient and sickly, leading to the injection of antibiotics and hormones. Conventionally grown chickens have no access to fresh outside air, they are
exposed to no sunshine, they arent able to forage for bugs, and they dont even get any exercise. In addition, processing undergone at a conventional (inspected) facility is done mechanically,
making a disgusting mess. According to Joel Salatin, the original pastured poultry guru who spent time as an investigative journalist, about 9 percent of the weight on most chickens bought in the
grocery store is fecal material or soup soaked up from the chill tank where chickens are stored after processing. To deal with this health hazard, the carcasses are given up to 40 chlorine baths as
well as treatments such as irradiation. And all of this takes place under proper USDA inspection, to supposedly ensure the customer that the product they are buying is safe for consumption. When
conditions are this bad, it is easy to see how a different model can provide not only a much healthier product, but one that actually tastes a great
Drying Process: | AD |
Style: | Fresh |
Type: | Chicken |
Category: | Poultry |