PediaSure? Complete is primarily used in children 2-10 years of age during the following conditions:
PediaSure? Complete is a complete and balanced enteral feeding designed to meet the special nutritional needs of the two to ten year old child. PediaSure? Complete may be used as a nutrition supplement or as partial or total enteral nutrition support and may be fed orally or by tube. It is targeted as a nutritional supplement for catch-up growth. PediaSure? Complete is ideal for use by children :
Appropriate for age group; provides 100% or more of NAS-NRC recommended dietary allowance for proteins, vitamins and minerals in approx. 1300 ml for ages 2 - 10 years.
What makes PediaSure Complete special is the addition of Synbiotics a combination of Probiotics (beneficial Lactobacillus & Bifidobacterium) and the Prebiotic FOS (Fructo-Oligo Saccharides) that
helps probiotics thrive.
Synbiotics strengthens the body's natural defense by suppressing harmful GI bacteri that can cause illness. PediaSure Complete with Synbiotics is clinically proven to reduce the number of sick days
in mild to moderate underweight children.
PediaSure Complete : Complete Balanced Nutrition |
PediaSure Complete
Presentation and Composition : |
PediaSure Complete : Complete Balanced Nutrition
Age: | Children |
Category: | Milk Powder |