Hemp spread Hemp spreads (before called hemp butter) taste and medical characteristics were known by mankind in ancient times. Hemp seeds are a really good means for the body to cleanse itself, therefore crushed seeds were used at fasting instead of meat and a part of milk products.
Hemp spread was forgotten for many years. Currently "Iecavnieks" Ltd. produces this highly-valued and tasty product.
"Iecavnieks" hemp spread contains ground hemp seeds and qualitative vegetable tallow. This composition is a reason for hemp spreads value and place of distinction in the recipes of our
ancestors time. There is no cholesterol and the spread can be kept in the refrigerator for several months.
Hemp seeds contain unsaturated fatty acid glicerids, which are indispensable for the body and essential amino acids that are important for normal functions. In addition, hemp seeds
contain phytines. Phythines improve blood composition, contribute to hardness and persistence in bones, normalize nerve system function and cover insufficient phosphorus combinations.
Hemp seeds healing characteristics: strengthen immunity, keep arteries unblocked as prevents cholesterol deposits. Reduces stress, resolves sleep problems, and even helps against
epilepsy. Used in cases of metabolic problems. Hemp seeds increase young mothers' milk quantity, stimulate childrens appetites and growth, give vitality and strength.
Hemp spread is considered as a very valued food product because it provides the body with energy in the form of highly-valued fatty acids, amino acids, mineral substances and vitamins.
Fatty acids in seeds:
- Palmitic acid 6.1 % - Oleic acid (Omega 9) 19.1 % - Linoleic acid (Omega 6) 57.7 % - Linolenic acid (Omega 3) 16,6 % |
- Palmitic acid 6.1 %
- Oleic acid (Omega 9) 19.1 %
- Linoleic acid (Omega 6) 57.7 %
- Linolenic acid (Omega 3) 16,6 %
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