Mousse is a very strong, rich, dark, very chocolatey mousse, on the bittersweet side. It consists only of melted chocolate that is folded into a rich custard sauce, and is lightened by beaten egg
whites, yet given body with a little gelatin.
Mousse is a form of creamy dessert typically made from egg and cream (classically no cream, only egg yolks, egg whites, sugar, and chocolate or other flavorings), usually in
combination with other flavors such as chocolate or pureed fruit. The egg whites are beaten before being incorporated into the other ingredients to produce a light and fluffy yet extremely rich
confection. It is then chilled to maintain its aeration.
we would all agree that there is nothing as luscious as a spoonful of deep chocolate mousse. Ingredients used are more important than techniques. Use only the best chocolate you can find and you
will have a fabulous chocolate mousse, whether you use a simple recipe or produce an extraordinary Products.
"Mousse" is the French word for "foam", while "Chocolat" is of course French for "chocolate". Consequently, "Mousse au chocolat" translates as "foamy chocolate", and is one of a number of foamy
desserts (many of which are fruit based).
"Mousse" is the French word for "foam", while "Chocolat" is of course French for "chocolate".
Part: | White |
Variety: | Table Egg |
Category: | Egg |