Tuzo Lala Milk is fermented milk. It is produced by introducing special active cultures to milk and leaving it for a while in order to achieve the required level of fermentation. Tuzo Lala has a thicker consistency as compared to ordinary milk and is ready to drink. It contains all the nutrients of milk i.e. Proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Tuzo Lala is popularly used to compliment the Kenyan staple diet, which includes food's such as "Ugali" amongst others. Tuzo Lala is available in:200ml Tetra Classic packs 500ml Tetra Classic packs500ml Tetra RexNutritional Value/100ml Butterfat 3.0% Protein 3.4% Carbohydrates 4.8% Calcium 0.8% Vitamins A, B1, B2, C and D
Tuzo Lala Milk is fermented milk.