We are supplier of full cream adult milk powder.
have at least two years of shelf life and date of production not to exceed 18 months from the point of arrival at final destination in packing of 500 gram cans
Moisture 2- 4%
Fat- 26 to 28%
Protein-25-27 %
Lactose 35 to 37 %
Minerals 5.7 to 7%
Lecituin up to 5 grams per kg(maximum)
Add vitamine A at between 5000 to 10000 LU per 100 grams
Add vitamine D at between 500 to 1000 LU per grams
Radition concentrate residue withen the limit of 240 to 280 BO per kilogram
Add one of the standardized allowed stabilizers used in food production butt notmore 5 grams per kg maximum individually or mixture
Product must be free of pathogenic bacteria and their poisons. Including the absence of BSE asevidence by thephyo-sanitary veterinarycertificates accompany corgo
Total coliform not to exceed 100 celius plr-gram
TPC not to exceed 50000 celus per gram
Product must be free from antibiotics
Toxins not to exceed the international limit
Full cream adult milk powder