In liquid creams it is possible to optimize the nutritional profile by the use of vegetable oils. One has to bear in mind that the product gets more sensitive the higher the content of unsaturated fatty acids is.
Aeration properties are decisive for whipping creams: air bubbles should be quickly incorporated in order to produce stable foam. The balance between liquid and solid fat enables good gas keeping properties. It prevents the phases from separating, too. The fat is also important for a delicate creamy mouth feel and a pleasant melting behaviour with a good flavour release.
A whole range of products similar to cream like whipped cream, liquid coffee whiteners and cooking creams for soups and sauces may be formulated using vegetable fat. In these products vegetable fats partially or completely substitute milk fat. Starting material for dairy products formulated with vegetable fats is standardized recombined milk based on solid milk components, water and vegetable fat. A partial replacement of milk fat is possible by adding vegetable fat to skim milk and a following homogenization step.
A whole range of products similar to cream like whipped cream, liquid coffee whiteners