Matsoni - Fat 3,2 g.; Albumen 4,8 g.; carbohydrates 4,1 g.; Food value 56 kilocalorie. Recommended either for daily use, as well as for different kinds of diets.
These microorganisms secure increased acidity in intestines and prevent pathogenic micro flora from developing and growing. They also prevent toxins being absorbed from intestines into blood,
meaning they protect humans from food allergy.
Matsoni produced by Eco-Food is enriched by bifido-lactoflora. Billions of live cells clean and strengthen human organism. This product is recommended for children and adults. It is highly
recommended for those who do not follow proper daily food regime, take antibiotics for a long period of time and suffer from intestinal infections, disbacteriosis and allergic disease.
Matsoni is rich in A, D, E, B1, B6, B12 vitamins, so vital for human organism.
1) They take part in digestion and help peristalsis;
2) They play a role in vitamin synthesis;
3) They create unfriendly environment for harmful bacteria;
4) They also help extract toxins from the human organism.
These microorganisms play multiple roles in human organism.
Lactobacillus bulgaricus
Streptococcus thermophilus
Lactobacillus acidophilus
Lactobacillus bifidus
Matsoni's probiotic effect is achieved through action of bacterial stems in it.
Matsoni - Fat 3,2 g.; Albumen 4,8 g.; carbohydrates 4,1 g.; Food value 56 kilocalorie.