wild berries
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Cocoa ESSENCES: CRAMER contributes its knowledge, acquired from 67 years of experience in Latin America, to this segments industrialists. We have suitable flavors for each of the various kinds of dairy products, whose technical requirements are extremely diverse and highly complex. In more developed markets, the continuous expansion of the retail sector has been another significant factor in the growth of dairy product sales, with convenience stores in particular benefiting from changes in lifestyle, such as longer working hours, smaller homes and shorter-term purchasing habits (in other words, more frequent). Dairy product sales have also been boosted by the rapid expansion of developing markets, such as those of Latin America, the Asian Pacific, Africa and the Middle East. Public health programs have increased per capita consumption in many countries, and producers have been quick to adapt their products to specific local requirements such as UHT milk with an extended shelf-life and milk in smaller containers to adapt to the greater purchasing frequency of developing economies. Consumers are increasing their demand for food that imparts health and extra functional benefits. This has led to the development of such products as probiotic liquid yoghurts, which have the advantage of being portable and easy to consume. Greater development of this type of healthy, functional product will be a key factor for dairy products in years to come. Low-fat, enriched milks, prebiotic and probiotic yoghurts, soy milk, and organic cheeses are all examples of this trend. For use in yoghurt, milk, desserts and ice-cream. Cinnamon |