Tuzo Long life is a leading long life (UHT) milk brand. It was introduced to meet the needs of consumers and retailers alike. It is produced using only the very best milk from the Kenyan highlands. A smooth heat treatment kills germs whilst preserving essential nutrients. State-of-the-art layered packaging is the secret behind what keeps the milk fresh for up to eight months before opening. Once opened, however, Tuzo long life can be refrigerated for up to four days.Tuzo long life milk can be taken to far away markets without the need for cumbersome crate storage and refrigeration facilities or the hassles of daily distribution. In this day and age where CONVENIENCE is the name of the game, Tuzo long life milk is the brand for you."Tuzo long life milk, fresh milk that stays fresh longer"Tuzo Long life is available as Whole milk in two pack sizes, 250ml and 500ml. Nutritional Value/100ml Protein 3.3g Fat 3.3g Carbohydrates 4.5g Calcium 0.1g Vitamin A 150iu Vitamin B1 40ug Vitamin B2 170ug Vitamin C 1.2mgm Vitamin D O.2ug
Tuzo Long life is a leading long life (UHT) milk brand.