Dry Whey (Sweet-type)
Production Definition
Dry Sweet-type Whey is obtained by drying fresh whey (derived during the manufacture of
cheeses, i.e. Cheddar and Swiss), which has been pasteurized and to which nothing has been
added as a preservative. It contains all the constituents, except moisture, in the same relative
proportion as in the whey. Dry Whey (Sweet-type) for human consumption complies with all
provisions of the U.S. Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.
Other Characteristics
Scorched Particle Content3 ....................................................7.5 15.0 mg
Titratable Acidity4..................................................................0.10 0.15%
Color3 .....................................................................................off white to cream
Flavor3....................................................................................normal whey flavor
Alkalinity of Ash2 ..................................................................< 225 ml 0.1N HCL/100G
Ingredient Statement
Dry (Sweet-type) Whey
Production Applications and Functionality
Bakery products, process cheese products, frozen desserts, sauces, meat emulsions, salad
dressings, beverages, confections, gravies, soups, meat products, snack foods
Storage & Shipping
Product should be stored and shipped in a cool, dry environment with temperatures below 80
Dry Sweet-type Whey is obtained by drying fresh whey (derived during the manufacture of