Smaller kids, who eats only what he likes, who do not well eat meals.
Who needed to feed this product.
- No artificial flavors and colors
- Better absorption
- Well balanced 5th essential nutrients
Why milk is good for kids nutritional balance.
- Digestion : Fructo oligosaccharides, GMP, fiber dietary, Lactobacillus bifidus, dietary fiber
- Immunity : Colostrum immunity ingredient (IgG), Nucleotide, Beta Carotene, Glutathione, Vitamin C,E
- Brain development : Phosphotidylcholine, Sphingmyelin, Choline
- Growth : Colostrum growth factor (IGF/TGF), Chlorella growth factor and L-carnetene
60th functional ingredients. Composed various functional ingredients.
Nutritional food for kids in growth phase.