Spray powder obtained by drying high quality sweet whey. This product can be used as a milk substitute for biscuits, bread, chocolates, ice creams, processed cheeses, pre-cooked food, delicatessen and milk based soft drinks. PRODUCT CHARACTERISTICSPhysical: - Appearance: White to slight yellow- Odour typical, taste slightly salty- Scorched particles (ADMI) A maxi B- Solubility Index (ADMI) 0. 5 ml maxi- Absence of preservative and colouring agentsChemical: - Moisture4% maxi- Fat1. 5% maxi- Proteins (Nx6. 38) 13, 5% mini- Ash6, 5% maxi- Lactose72% mini- Titratable Acidity2% maxi- pH (10% solution) 6mini- Nitrates50 ppmmaxi- Nitrites1 ppmmaxiBacteriological: - Total Plate Counts50. 000 / gmaxi- Coliformsabsence in 0. 2 g- E. Coliabsence in 1 g- Yeast & Moulds100 / gmaxi- Salmonellaabsence in 25 gPACKAGING- 25-kilos bags
Spray powder obtained by drying high quality sweet whey. This product can be used as a milk substitu
Model Number: | High Protein Instant |
Origin: | Milk |
Category: | Whey |