The Flava BrandFLAVA is our FUN and EXCITING Brand, created with the youth in mind. Flava will bring out the youthful, vibrant and adventurous nature in you and is a "must-have" whenever you need to get refreshed! Flava Milkswitch is flavoured milk available in bright, fun packaging in six exciting flavours. Flava gives you all the energy and nutrients that you need to hook up with all the plots that you have lined up in your day, coz for sure, you are what you drink!Flava Milkswitch is packed in handy portion packs of 250ml. FLAVA MILKSWITCH PACK DESCRIPTION Flava Milkswitch is packed in shrink-wrapped trays in 24s i.e. 24 x 250ml
FLAVA is our FUN and EXCITING Brand,