Each shipment before a launch market always check the quality, boxed very carefully preserved in so many enterprises in Dong Nguyen is always important cashew export international quality.
Cashew purification Purification Dong Nguyen, a trademark of proven quality is number one in Vietnam Namva most popular products in the U.S. and some countries of Asia Au.Hat salt roasted not fried
in oil and Dong Nguyen produced by the most modern technology, VSAT standard food.
Currently, we are planning to expand the distribution market in the provinces of North Vietnam (from Hue to the), China, India, ....
Invite units, organizations and individuals ... in need of the agent distributing nuts and candies made from cashew Dong Nguyen brand name, please contact:
Representative offices in the North region
Mr Thang: 0912350025 Ms Phuong: 0946651999
Address: House of 5/17/82 Tran Cung - Ha NoiDT :02811738-Fax: 04.62811738
NOTE: RAW CASHEW NUT RANG DONG NO SALT Battle (The fried cashew oil seed ball making it to, weight, eye-catching look but are vulnerable to food u feel for long days and very vulnerable to foul
Dong Nguyen cashews freshly roasted to perfection and then slightly salted to enhance a truly delicious taste, you will certain