As a producing country, Argentina occupies at world-wide level the first place, having displaced United States. In decreasing order ti follows Brazil and South Africa.A high proportion of the national production has as final destiny, the exportation, being left an insignificant proportion for the internal market. Although potentially this growth adapts to the totality of the corn-regions, at the present time silo nucleus in individual can be established like Zone of production defined , the fraction of the same one that includes north and the west buenos aires province. The agent of more important quality of the popcorn is the volume of expansion, which mainly is affected by the humidity of the grain, the temperature of drying and the hectoliter weight. Technical card Variety: popcornCrop Period: october to aprilSizes: 38/40 - 40/42 - +42.Package: bags of 50 Kg / 20 & 25 Kg.
Sizes: 38/40 - 40/42 - +42.